Saturday, November 25, 2023

A Mom's Perspective: The Holidays Feel Different This Year

Christmas Tree with gifts

The Holidays are just within reach, but somehow I feel different this year. No matter how bright and beautiful the twinkling lights in the malls are or how festive the decorations are, I just don't feel all Christmas-sy. Is it the lingering effects of the pandemic, the pinch (or should I say punch) of inflation, or is it simply the passage of time at the age of 42? Join me as we explore these thoughts and reflect on the unique perspective that comes with navigating the holiday season in the midst of change.

The Lingering Effects of the Pandemic:

It's hard to deny that the past couple of years have been challenging for everyone. The pandemic has left an indelible mark on our lives, influencing the way we work, socialize, and perceive the world around us. As we approach the holiday season, it's natural to wonder if the residual effects of these challenging times are casting a shadow over what should be a joyful time of year.

Inflation's Impact:

Another factor that can't be ignored is the current state of the economy, marked by inflation. Prices are rising, and the cost of living is increasing. The holiday season, traditionally associated with gift-giving and celebrations, may feel more financially burdensome for many. The pressure to meet expectations and maintain traditions might be tinged with the strain of tighter budgets.

A Shift in Perspective with Age:

Turning 42 brings with it a certain wisdom and a shift in perspective. What once seemed dazzling and magical may now be viewed through a lens of experience and maturity. The excitement of holiday decorations that once captivated may now be met with a more subdued appreciation. It's not that the wonder is lost, but rather that it takes on a different hue, colored by the richness of life experiences.

The Strain of Financial Realities:

Ah, yes. I think this is one of the major factors why I feel this way – the lack of money. Finances can play a significant role in shaping our holiday experiences. I mean how can you buy a really, really nice gift to someone if you can't pay for it, right? The pressure to meet societal expectations of gift-giving and extravagant displays can be stressful, particularly if the budget is tight. This year, more than ever, the lack of financial resources may be contributing to a sense of restraint and reflection on the true meaning of the season. 

Finding Joy in Simple Moments:

Despite the challenges and changes that this holiday season brings, there's an opportunity to rediscover the joy in simplicity. Perhaps it's time to redefine what the holidays mean to us and focus on the moments that truly matter – the warmth of shared laughter, the comfort of loved ones, and the appreciation for the present. Embracing a more minimalist approach to the holidays can alleviate the financial strain and allow for a deeper connection with the true spirit of the season.

Let's Keep It Simple but Memorable

As we navigate the holiday season, it's essential to acknowledge the various factors that contribute to the sense that things are different this year. Whether it's the lingering effects of the pandemic, the impact of inflation, or the evolving perspective that comes with age, finding joy in the midst of change is key. Embracing a simpler, more meaningful holiday experience can help us appreciate the moments that truly make this season special, regardless of external challenges. 

So, as we celebrate this year, let's focus on the warmth of connection and the richness of experience (e.g. have walks in parks, build something out of old materials from the house, learn to knit, etc.), allowing the true spirit of the holidays to shine through. Well, I'll try and hope for the best. 

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