Question: If mommy has sore eyes, can she continue breastfeeding her little one?
My Answer: Yes, I continued breastfeeding even if I had sore eyes, BUT I made sure I did the following:
1. Since I already had one sore eye, what I did was I covered the sore eye with an eye bandage to prevent me from scratching it and/or transfer the germs to anywhere else. So with this being done, I only had one eye to see. I replaced the bandage whenever I need to put on my anti bacterial eye dropper (Tobrex).
My Answer: Yes, I continued breastfeeding even if I had sore eyes, BUT I made sure I did the following:
1. Since I already had one sore eye, what I did was I covered the sore eye with an eye bandage to prevent me from scratching it and/or transfer the germs to anywhere else. So with this being done, I only had one eye to see. I replaced the bandage whenever I need to put on my anti bacterial eye dropper (Tobrex).