Why Do We Feel Sad On Christmas As We Grow Older? This is the question I have been asking myself lately. I am already in my 40s and naturally, I don't feel happy during Christmas compared to my childhood when I was so excited to open gifts and be happy with what I received.
But then I was able to listen to one of the homilies from an online mass and I think the priest actually answered the question. He said the older we get, the gifts that we want in life are no longer the ones we want during childhood. When we're children, we want dolls, toys, money, and more. Well, I still want money at my age, but aside from that, some of the things that we really want can no longer be bought with money unfortunately.
I wish for ...
At my age, I wish for health for myself, my friends, and my loved ones. I also wish for more time because it seems time flies by so fast and a lot of things have happened that we didn't like or things happened that we regret from happening. I also wish for enough savings to live comfortably for my family and me from now on until at least the next 50 years.
Those are some of the main wishes I wanted that cannot be wrapped as gifts during Christmas. But the consolation I get is the time I have right now to make my kids happy by giving them the gifts that they want.